FOX toolkit integration

The Elementary Plot library can be used inside a FOX Toolkit application using a special class FX::FXElemWindow declared in the header file FXElemWindow.h.

The FX::FXElemWindow inherit from FX::FXElemBaseWindow which in turns inherits from FX::FXWindow and it can be used as an ordinary FOX Window in every respect. In addition the class implements the method FX::FXElemWindow::Attach() to bind a plot, like it can be done with a elem::Window.

The plots themselves can be created and modified using the standard C++ API of the Elementary Plot Library.

Once a plot is bound to a window the application will be automatically updated for any plot’s modification, without the need of any explicit action.

class FX::FXElemWindow : public FX::FXElemBaseWindow

FOX toolkit class used to display one or more Elementary Plot plots.

FX::FXElemWindow(FX::FXComposite *p, const char *plot_layout = nullptr, FXuint opts = FRAME_NORMAL, FXint x = 0, FXint y = 0, FXint w = 0, FXint h = 0)

Ordinary FOX constructor with the addition of plot_layout used to subdivide the windows in multiple plotting slots.

int Attach(elem::Plot &p, const char *slot_str)

Act like the method elem::Window of the elem::Window class to bind a plot to a given slot.

void SlotRefresh(unsigned index)

Act like the elem::Window’s method of the same name.

void SetLayout(const char *fmt)

Change the plot’s layout of the window. It works only if the window is not yet started.

void Wait()

Act like the elem::Window’s method of the same name. Normally not needed in classic FOX applications.

class FX::FXElemBaseWindow : public FX::FXWindow

FOX toolkit class that provide support for and elem::Window. It is used for the implementation and should not be used directly.

struct FXElemStartMessage

Contains the following field:

  • window_fox *window

  • unsigned width

  • unsigned height

  • unsigned flags

elem_window *elem_window_fox(FXGUISignal *start_signal)

Create a new object that can be passed to FX::FXElemWindow::Attach() to create a elem::Window. It should be used on a worker thread to create a elem::Window that is started in the FOX GUI thread. The start_signal should be a signal, previously created in the GUI thread, that trigger a request to create a new Elementary Plot window. The method that handle the start_signal should call the function FXElemBuildWindow() passing a FXComposite where the Elementary Plot window should be placed.

Here an example of how the handler cound be done:

long SomeClass::onElemWindowStart(FXObject *, FXSelector, void *ptr) {
  FXElemStartMessage *message = (FXElemStartMessage *) ptr;
  assert(message != nullptr);
  if (message->flags & WindowResize) {
      main_window_options |= DECOR_STRETCHABLE;
  FXMainWindow *main_win = new FXMainWindow(getApp(), "Plot Window", nullptr, nullptr, main_window_options, 0, 0, message->width, message->height);
  FXElemBuildWindow(main_win, message, ELEM_CREATE_DEFER);
  return 1;

The notable things are:

  • a FXElemStartMessage message is provided to the handler

  • the function FXElemBuildWindow is called provide a parent composite window

  • the window is created and shown

Otherwise, if the Elementary Plot window should be created in an already existing FXComposite parent the handler could be:

long PlotWindow::onElemWindowStart(FXObject *, FXSelector, void *ptr) {
    FXElemStartMessage *message = (FXElemStartMessage *) ptr;
    assert(message != nullptr);
    FXElemBuildWindow(this->frame, message, ELEM_CREATE_NOW);
    return 1;