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To download the latest snapshot of Anti-Grain Geometry, please go to the SourceForge repository.

Here are the historical snapshots of Anti-Grain Geometry. Look at the News page for details.

AGG v2.5 Windows Archive (org. http://www.antigrain.com/agg-2.5.zip)
         Last Updated: October 23, 2006
AGG v2.5 Unix/Linux Archive (org. http://www.antigrain.com/agg-2.5.tar.gz)
         Last Updated: October 23, 2006
AGG v2.4 Windows Archive (org. http://www.antigrain.com/agg-2.4.zip)
         Last Updated: June 19, 2006
AGG v2.4 Unix/Linux Archive (org. http://www.antigrain.com/agg-2.4.tar.gz)
         Last Updated: June 19, 2006
AGG v2.3 Windows Archive (org. http://www.antigrain.com/agg23.zip)
         Last Updated: September 15, 2005
AGG v2.3 Unix/Linux Archive (org. http://www.antigrain.com/agg23.tar.gz)
         Last Updated: September 15, 2005
AGG v2.2 Windows Archive (org. http://www.antigrain.com/agg22.zip)
         Last Updated: November 14, 2004
AGG v2.2 Unix/Linux Archive (org. http://www.antigrain.com/agg22.tar.gz)
         Last Updated: November 14, 2004
AGG v2.1 Windows Archive (org. http://www.antigrain.com/agg21.zip)
         Last Updated: August 27, 2004
AGG v2.1 Unix/Linux Archive (org. http://www.antigrain.com/agg21.tar.gz)
         Last Updated: August 27, 2004
AGG v2.0 Windows Archive (to be removed) (org. http://www.antigrain.com/agg2.zip)
AGG v2.0 Unix/Linux Archive (to be removed) (org. http://www.antigrain.com/agg2.tar.gz)
The Lighweight Rasterizer (org. http://www.antigrain.com/lite/agg2_lite.zip)
AGDoc Windows Archive (org. http://www.antigrain.com/agdoc/agdoc.zip)
AGDoc Unix/Linux Archive (org. http://www.antigrain.com/agdoc/agdoc.tar.gz)
Copy of Antigrain.com Site (org. http://www.antigrain.com/agg2web.tar.gz)

Copyright © 2002-2006 Maxim Shemanarev
Web Design and Programming Maxim Shemanarev