Lua Bindings ============ C++ Loader Function ------------------- The Elementary Plot library can be used from C or C++ applications using the Lua programming language. The functions described below are C/C++ functions that loads the Elementary Plot library's functions into a ``lua_State`` pointer. .. cpp:namespace:: elem .. cpp:function:: void LuaOpenLibrary(lua_State *L) For the given Lua state, load the library's functions and classes into a global Lua table named ``elem``. .. highlight:: lua Here a Lua example that illustrate how to use the library from Lua:: local plot = plot:SetLimits(-1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 10.0) plot:SetAxisLabelsAngle(elem.xAxis, 3.141592 / 4) plot:EnableLabelFormat(elem.xAxis, "%.6f") local line = line:MoveTo(-0.5, 0) line:LineTo(-0.5, 8.0) line:LineTo(0.5, 4.0) line:ClosePolygon() plot:Add(line, 0xB40000FF, 2.5, 0xF5FE00FF, elem.flags(, local window = window:Attach(plot, "") window:Start(640, 480, elem.WindowResize) elem.utils.Sleep(4) local line2 = line2:MoveTo(0.8, 1.0) line2:LineTo(0.8, 7.0) line2:LineTo(0.3, 4.0) line2:ClosePolygon() plot:Add(line2, 0x0000B4FF, 2.5, 0x00000000, window:Wait() C Loader Function ----------------- .. c:function:: void elem_lua_open_library(lua_State *L) The same of the :cpp:func:`LuaOpenLibrary` but as a C function.