.. highlight:: lua .. _project-section: Projects Utility Functions ========================== .. module:: project The module ``project`` offers a few useful functions to execute the entry point of a project organized like a set of Lua scripts in a folder. .. function:: run([path, ]filename) Move into the directory `path`, add it into the `package.path` and execute the given `filename` using the Lua function `dofile`. When the script has completed the execution restore the original `package.path` and goes back to the previous working directory. If the function is called with a single argument the directory containing `filename` will be used for `path`. The advantage over a simple `dofile` is that the Lua scripts presents in the project's directory will be available to be loaded using the `require` function. In this way there is no need to give explicit path of the modules' filename. .. function:: activate(path) It acts like the function :func:`project.run` but do not execute any file.